Monthly Archives: April 2023

What is a Heat Exchanger? What are Heat Exchanger Types?

The situation where two fluids transfer heat to each other without any physical contact is called a heat exchanger. Although the industrial heat exchanger type has different criteria, it works with the same principle. In each type, hot and cold fluids are transferred to each other. Industrial Heat exchangers are offered in 3 different types. These types, which are preferred according to the area to be used, have different features in their field. However, in general, all heat exchangers first collect the heat on the transfer surface and then transfer it to the other surface it comes into contact with. In this way, heat transfer [...]

By |2023-04-18T06:45:16+00:00April 3, 2023|Knowledge Base|0 Comments

Steel Production: Steel Production in Turkey

Steel manufacturing company in Turkey has been increasing in recent years. It is known that steel production increased by 3.7% in 2021 compared to 2020. As a result of this increase, steel production reached 1.95 billion tons. In 1996, with the signing of the European Coal and Steel Community agreement between the European Union and Turkey, taxes on the steel trade were abolished. The abolition of these taxes was mutual. As a result of the agreement, iron and steel products can be sold to European Union countries tax-free. The iron and steel companies actively operating in Turkey are privately owned. These companies constantly utilize technological [...]

By |2023-04-18T06:47:21+00:00April 1, 2023|Knowledge Base|0 Comments
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